Installing VMware Workstation on system with OpenRC

· 1min · Dmitry Scherbakov
Table of Contents


  1. If you are using AUR helper such as yay, pikaur or other, just install packages vmware-keymaps, vmware-openrc, vmware-workstation-openrc and you are done. Otherwise, if you are like me and prefer doing this stuff manually, proceed with the guide.
  2. In your projects directory, create folder VMware and clone a few AUR repositories to it:
    mkdir VMware && cd VMware
    git clone --depth 1
    git clone --depth 1
    git clone --depth 1
  3. Generate package files and install them (order matters, installation is interactive):
    cd vmware-keymaps && makepkg -si && cd -
    cd vmware-workstation-openrc && makepkg -si && cd -
    cd vmware-openrc && makepkg -si && cd -
  4. Add all vmware services to autostart:
    rc-update add vmware default
    rc-update add vmware-usbarbitrator default
    rc-update add vmware-networks default
    rc-update add vmware-networks-configuration default
  5. Now, you should just reboot. Do not launch VMware application or manually start services.