Useful Mac apps

· 3min · Dmitry Scherbakov

Introduction words

This article contains applications and utilities (mostly utilities) for MacOS which I find useful after over 2 years of using my MacBook Pro on a daily basis for work, personal projects, education and entertainment. No paid promotions. This is not a "tier list" and I am not saying that the apps I mention here are certainly, for sure, 100% the best you can ever find, these are just my favourties (so don't blame me!).

All applications mentioned here are free to download (might be paid via AppStore, but who uses AppStore ...) and free use. I recommend using homebrew. If you don't want to use homebrew, each application can still be downloaded from the developer's website.

Corrections, additions and suggestions are heavily appreciated:


Name & LinkOpensourceTelemetryDescriptionHomebrewAppStore
PurePastenonoClears formatting from content, copied to clipboard. Removes tracking parameters from URLs-free
MacFanControlnonoControl fans on Apple computersyes-
OnyXnonoBest maintenance toolyes-
KeyboardCleanToolnonoBlock all Keyboard and TouchBar inputyes-
Scroll reverseryesnoReverses the direction of scrolling (independent for trackpads and mice)yes-
KekayesnoMacOS file archiver (RAR support)yespaid
AppCleanernonoUninstall (and cleanup!) unwanted appsyes-
Raycastnoopt-outBest spotlight replacementyes-
MonitorControlyesnoExternal monitor brightness controlyesfree


Name & LinkOpensourceTelemetryDescriptionHomebrewAppStore
SkimyesnoPDF viewer with auto live reload supportyes-
qBittorrentyesnoBitTorrent clientyes-
draw.ioyesnoDiagramming applicationyes-
KeePassXCyesnoPassword manageryes-
VMware Fusion Pronoopt-outBest MacOS hypervisoryes-
VLCyesnoMultimedia playeryesfree