Setting up Linux init.d service

· 2min · Dmitry Scherbakov
  1. First, write a server configuration file, which would be placed inside /etc/init.d directory. Note, that your service name should (must) end with letter 'd'. Example: xmrigd. Configuration file (/etc/init.d/myserviced) should look as follows (newlines matter):

    # Provides:             myservice
    # X-Start-Before:
    # X-Start-After:
    # Default-Start:        2 3 4 5
    # Default-Stop:         0 1 6
    # Description:          Runs myservice service
    # Short-Description:    Runs myservice service
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin
    case "$1" in
        (/usr/bin/myprogram &)  # Manually fork here, it is important
        ps aux | grep -i myprogram | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill -TERM
        echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/myserviced {start|stop}"
        exit 1
    exit 0
    • Provides. Name of the server without letter 'd' (again, it is not necessary, but just for good look at least ...)
    • Description. Description of the server. You can type anything you want here, but you should avoid newlines.
    • Short-Description. Short description of the server. You can type anything you want here, but you should avoid newlines.

    In this example, service script just executes /usr/bin/myprogram and calls fork. Sometimes you may find out that the service does not see this executable (even if it is located in /bin directory). This is normal, just set the PATH variable in your service script (take a look at stackoverflow solutions).

  2. Since this script is not a systemd service, we should convert it to one. This can be done with update-rc.d command:

    update-rc.d myserviced defaults
  3. Now, you can start your service by running:

    systemctl start xmrigd.service
  4. Make your service run on startup:

    systemctl enable xmrigd.service
  5. Verify that your service is running withour unwanted errors (press 'q' button to exit out of interactive menu):

    systemctl status xmrigd.service