Installing microsoft office

· 4min · Dmitry Scherbakov

Windows Installation (2024/12/31)


  1. Make sure that your contry/region configuration in Windows settings is not under US or EU sanctions. For example, if your country is set to Russia, you would not be able to download Office. Temporary changing country to something like USA always works. You can restore your old contry/region after the installation is completed.
  2. If you have tried installing Office from blocked country and experienced similar error or you already have Office installed via Office Deployment Tool (ODT), you need to remove some registry keys (use the following powershell script):
    # Warning: Administrator privileges are required to run the commands
    Remove-Item -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Experiment -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
    Remove-Item -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\ExperimentConfigs -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
    Remove-Item -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\ExperimentEcs -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
  3. Create C:\Office folder (important!) or clear its contents. This folder is only required during the installation and can be removed afterwards.


  1. Download Office Deployment Tool. Make sure to select the appropriate language.
  2. Navigate to and hit Create under Create a new configuration.
  3. Under Office Suites combo box select your preferred office version. It is recommended to choose LTSC versions with Volume License (or VL) labels, since they are more stable and tend to have less licensing issues than other versions.
  4. Select Visio, Project versions (surely, you do not need them, just select None). For Additional Products select None as well.
  5. In Apps tab make sure to disable OneNote, OneDrive, OneDrive Desktop, Skype and Skype for Business. You would not be able to use them since they require a Microsoft account. Generally speaking, you would not ever use something other than just Word, Excel and PowerPoint, so stick with them.
  6. Go through other configuration menus, select whatever is appropriate for you.
  7. Under Licensing and activation tab make sure that product key is verified via KMS, not via MAK.
  8. Hit Export button on the top right corner. Choose Office Open XML formats and hit OK. Accept the EULA and save the configuration to the C:\Office folder.


  1. Run Office Deployment Tool you have just downloaded and extract the files to C:\Office folder.
  2. Open Command Prompt with Administrator privileges and run:
    cd C:\Office
    setup.exe /configure <configuration>
    Where <configuration> stands for the name of the configuration file, you have downloaded from
  3. Wait for Office to be installed on your computer. If you are experiencing issues, you can try generating configuration with different Office version.


  • If you see the warning which says something like This Office is not genuine, you should reactivate the Office. This can be done with this KMS script. Windows Defender will flag the file as Trojan (so you have to disable Defender for the time of activation), however it is a completely harmless script. I encourage you go carefully look through the options this script provides you with. To activate Office for 180 days, you can stick with default option. If you want to have permanent Office activation, you have to install KMS emulator, which can also be done via the script.
  • Here is the original video on YouTube explaining this way of Office installation (actually less detailed).

MacOS Installation (2024/12/13)

  • Microsoft has had different policies on MacOS Office installation over the years, so it is absolutely useless to provide a download link here, since it is highly likely that it will be dead by the time you are reading this. It is not required to have latest and greatest Office package. You, for example, install Office 2021 package and then update to the latest version. If you are facing issues with downloading legit packages, contact me.
  • Volume licenses for Office can be installed via so-called serializers. You can use this Github repository to download legit commercial serializers.
  • If you want more detailed explanation about how Microsoft products, and, especially, Office, work under MacOS, check out this article (in Russian).
  • After you have installed Office, it is worth to run some commands to disable telemetry and optimize performance:
    defaults write UseOnlineContent -integer 0
    defaults write UseOnlineContent -integer 0
    defaults write UseOnlineContent -integer 0
    defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
    defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
    defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
    defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
    defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
    defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
    defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE