Google Trust Services Certificates
Dmitry Scherbakov
Table of Contents
You would need some machine running Linux. I recommend using Docker containers, since they are portable are easy to use. Please note: you do NOT have to be Google cloud VPS user, you do NOT have to pay something for google, everything described here is completely free to use for everybody (NOTE: You might still run into issues when issuing certificates for su
or ru
or other TLDs). Certificates are issued for 3 month (same as Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) ones).
- Install
application to manage google projects and other required dependencies:apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg curl certbot curl '' | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/ echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends google-cloud-cli
- Initialize
application by running the following. You would be redirected to Google's login page (or you would need to manually paste given link in browser to continue login):
After login, Google would offer you verification code, which looks like this:gcloud auth login --brief
Paste it into running4/0AVG7fiTjWIBro8KZPcJIoIr4KPsELh8mJ73PHPQuPbWE_R8xO9LAj5RH3wp4Blc08RT9Yw
gcloud auth login
application to grant it your account access. - Create and select new project (I strongly recommend exactly creating new project, not using older one):
gcloud projects create '<PROJECT>' && gcloud config set project '<PROJECT>'
- Enable the Google's Public CA API for the project:
gcloud services enable
- Request EAB key ID and HMAC using Public CA API:
This command seems to check standart input/output handles with isatty function, so redirecting input or output handles is not a good idea. Instead, you can use:gcloud publicca external-account-keys create
If everything ends up being successfull, you would see the message like this:gcloud publicca external-account-keys create --key-output-file <FILE-TO-WRITE-KEYS>
Or, if you decided to write credentials to a file:Created an external account key [b64MacKey: Vk_cbn1fROuZrRhRygYLiutN2BJlhCoEFK27-ix1XU9fYm8QYW5hJXPSoLLLMNB45NqCqMEpNeaDEn5C635fcA keyId: 205f20c560012178a96ce7f168516a75]
Where$ cat <FILE-TO-WRITE-KEYS> b64MacKey: Vk_cbn1fROuZrRhRygYLiutN2BJlhCoEFK27-ix1XU9fYm8QYW5hJXPSoLLLMNB45NqCqMEpNeaDEn5C635fcA keyId: 205f20c560012178a96ce7f168516a75
Vk_cb ... 35fcA
is your HMAC key and205f20c560012178a96ce7f168516a75
is your EAB key ID. These keys are valid for 7 days. Save these keys somewhere as we would need them soon. If you are getting permission denied error, you should retry this command a bunch of times and wait a few minutes (>=3) before each new attempt. - Register ACME account using
. One pair ofEAB KID
can be used to register account only 1 time:
For me, this command would look as follows:certbot register \ --email '<YOUR EMAIL>' --no-eff-email \ --server '' \ --eab-kid '<EAB KEY ID FROM STEP 5>' \ --eab-hmac-key '<HMAC FROM STEP 5>'
certbot register \ --email '' --no-eff-email \ --server '' \ --eab-kid '205f20c560012178a96ce7f168516a75' \ --eab-hmac-key 'Vk_cbn1fROuZrRhRygYLiutN2BJlhCoEFK27-ix1XU9fYm8QYW5hJXPSoLLLMNB45NqCqMEpNeaDEn5C635fcA'
- Request certificates:
certbot certonly \ --manual --preferred-challenges dns \ --server '' \ --domains 'example.tld' --domains '*.example.tld'
- Log in you google cloud console (in browser) and remove newly created project since Google actually has a limit of roughly