Google Trust Services Certificates

· 2min · Dmitry Scherbakov
Table of Contents

You would need some machine running Linux. I recommend using Docker containers, since they are portable are easy to use. Please note: you do NOT have to be Google cloud VPS user, you do NOT have to pay something for google, everything described here is completely free to use for everybody (NOTE: You might still run into issues when issuing certificates for su or ru or other TLDs). Certificates are issued for 3 month (same as Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) ones).


  1. Install gcloud application to manage google projects and other required dependencies:
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg curl certbot
    curl '' | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/
    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends google-cloud-cli
  2. Initialize gcloud application by running the following. You would be redirected to Google's login page (or you would need to manually paste given link in browser to continue login):
    gcloud auth login --brief
    After login, Google would offer you verification code, which looks like this:
    Paste it into running gcloud auth login application to grant it your account access.
  3. Create and select new project (I strongly recommend exactly creating new project, not using older one):
    gcloud projects create '<PROJECT>' && gcloud config set project '<PROJECT>'
  4. Enable the Google's Public CA API for the project:
    gcloud services enable
  5. Request EAB key ID and HMAC using Public CA API:
    gcloud publicca external-account-keys create
    This command seems to check standart input/output handles with isatty function, so redirecting input or output handles is not a good idea. Instead, you can use:
    gcloud publicca external-account-keys create --key-output-file <FILE-TO-WRITE-KEYS>
    If everything ends up being successfull, you would see the message like this:
    Created an external account key
    [b64MacKey: Vk_cbn1fROuZrRhRygYLiutN2BJlhCoEFK27-ix1XU9fYm8QYW5hJXPSoLLLMNB45NqCqMEpNeaDEn5C635fcA
    keyId: 205f20c560012178a96ce7f168516a75]
    Or, if you decided to write credentials to a file:
    $ cat <FILE-TO-WRITE-KEYS>
    b64MacKey: Vk_cbn1fROuZrRhRygYLiutN2BJlhCoEFK27-ix1XU9fYm8QYW5hJXPSoLLLMNB45NqCqMEpNeaDEn5C635fcA
    keyId: 205f20c560012178a96ce7f168516a75
    Where Vk_cb ... 35fcA is your HMAC key and 205f20c560012178a96ce7f168516a75 is your EAB key ID. These keys are valid for 7 days. Save these keys somewhere as we would need them soon. If you are getting permission denied error, you should retry this command a bunch of times and wait a few minutes (>=3) before each new attempt.
  6. Register ACME account using certbot. One pair of EAB KID and HMAC KEY can be used to register account only 1 time:
    certbot register \
        --email '<YOUR EMAIL>' --no-eff-email \
        --server '' \
        --eab-kid '<EAB KEY ID FROM STEP 5>' \
        --eab-hmac-key '<HMAC FROM STEP 5>'
    For me, this command would look as follows:
    certbot register \
        --email '' --no-eff-email \
        --server '' \
        --eab-kid '205f20c560012178a96ce7f168516a75' \
        --eab-hmac-key 'Vk_cbn1fROuZrRhRygYLiutN2BJlhCoEFK27-ix1XU9fYm8QYW5hJXPSoLLLMNB45NqCqMEpNeaDEn5C635fcA'
  7. Request certificates:
    certbot certonly \
        --manual --preferred-challenges dns \
        --server '' \
        --domains 'example.tld' --domains '*.example.tld'
  8. Log in you google cloud console (in browser) and remove newly created project since Google actually has a limit of roughly 15 projects.